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Division 14
Seventh District

Serving North East Florida

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Last Updated 07/22/09

Division Commander Jesse Stevens


Divisiont Vice Commander George David Green

Division 14

 Jesse Stevens

We now begin a new year with a new bridge, changes and opportunities. This will be an exciting year for sure as we move to modernize with the Coast Guard. We have met the challenges and opportunities in the past and overcome or capitalized on them. Since the same dedicated members that performed well in the past are still on the job, there is no reason to believe we cannot do the same in the future.

I find these quotes to be a very accurate description of change and opportunity.

It's not that some people have willpower and some don't. It's that some people are ready to change and others are not.    
James Gordon M.D.

Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.
Thomas A. Edison 

I am pleased that the membership, through the Board, chose to elect me as your Division Commander for 2009.   I will endeavor to perform my duties with the the integrity and honor that your vote entitles the membership to.



Vice Commander
Division 14

George David Green

Another year has begun, and I want to first thank the Officers of Division 14 four your confidence in electing Jesse Stevens as our Division Commander and myself as Division Vice Commander.  It was only through your efforts and the efforts of your Division members that we had a successful past year.  I look forward to working with each and every Flotilla Officer and our newly appointed Division Staff Officer to make this coming year an even better one.  

While I do to use a lot of numbers and statistics in my reports, I believe it is important to look at and show where we have been and what we have done in the past year so as to see where we want to go, and thus set a realistic course for this next year.  To do this requires us to examine our accomplishments or lack thereof in some of the more important programs.

In closing, I am pleased to report we have a complete complement of Division Staff Officers, a number who are new, as well as new Flotilla Commanders.  I look forward to working with each and every one of you for a most enjoyable and productive year.  

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